Wednesday, August 30, 2006


So I took a quiz at work a few days ago to see if I am qualified to be trained on the Diabetes Assistant Program (DAP) which is our online software that will make little graphs and charts and stuff of blood glucose readings. the questions were such things as, "Describe how to find out what operating system someone is using" and "list some examples of hardware and software on your computer" and "what are the physical differences between a serial port and a USB port"... silly things like that. so I'm going to start training on Friday. it'll be a 2-3 hour process... not too bad. And then I get paid more (I think...) and it's at least 8 hours a week of not really taking phone calls (since no one really calls in on DAP).

Besides that, life is still a lot the same. Erik and I are going to Florida this november with my mom. That will be really fun. I'm going to bring my 2 perfect attendance Visa cards with me. that'll be $250 of spending money that I don't have to feel guilty about. And I'm excited about my classes. I started reading one of my books already and it's pretty interesting. It's a short one. It's called, "thinking about a career in social work" and it's just about what social work is and the education required and how to find a good job and all the different kinds of things you can do. It's very interesting. A lot of it applies to any profession, talking about interviews and benefits and stuff. pretty cool.

Oh, and Duke has been playing Hide and Seek with us lately. it only works at night because that's when he won't get distracted by people outside, so right when we get home from work, we take him outside to play. one of us distracts him while the other one hides on the other side of the house (behind a tree or the car or something) and then whistles. When Duke runs off to find you, the other person picks a spot on that side of the house to hide. It's actually really funny because a lot of the time, he runs right past you without seeing you. I don't think his night vision is very good. It's cute though, and when he finds you he gets all excited. :o)


  1. OH my goodness, that is one adorable doggie! I'm so glad you have him.

    I can hardly wait for our trip! I have all the reservations for dinners, shows, etc., done I love you!


  2. Jebus woman!! You must be hella bizy because there are less and less blog entries. :(

  3. What Sukie said... :::sigh:::

